Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Mondays Always Suck

Okay so today isn't really Monday... but it feels like it was. Probably since today was the first day of classes for the week.

My first class starts at 8 so it's pretty painful to get up early enough to get ready and make it there in time. All of my classes are well worth the trouble, though. I love learning!

My neck has been hurting like crazy today from the whiplash I got yesterday when I went sledding. I still want to go again. Flying 12 feet above the ground is so much fun!!

Here is my excited face at the prospect of more ground-defiance. 8D

Not much else has really happened today except for studying and classes.

Tomorrow I have a French test and I have two more tests this weekend. Other than that I won't be too terribly busy if anyone wants to play!


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