Sunday, January 18, 2009

Coming Down From the Y

No, I haven't been stuck up on the mountain for all this time. But I have been stuck on top of a pile of studying and homework since the beginning of the semester.

So here's a little free time to update my life. I have decided to return to my original pursuits of going to medical school and becoming a doctor. Since I made that decision I have been increasingly happy. It's good to have goals.

Basically now I'm trying to decide between majors. Do I want to major in Physiology and Developmental Biology? Or would I enjoy a Microbiology major more? Should I major in Public Health because it would give me an ahead in hospital administration or should I major in what interests me the most?

I'm also trying to decide on whether or not I want to get a job or just try to find a service opportunity that somehow relates to what I want to end up doing with my life. I've already made an attempt to sign up at various hospitals and medical centers in the area as a volunteer, but I haven't gotten any calls or emails saying that I actually got a volunteer position. Probably because so many Nursing students take precedent and are planted by the school in volunteer spots. Maybe I'll just get a job and save up some money so that I can try and take classes over Spring and Summer.

Another thing I have been thinking about doing is qualifying as an EMS worker. That would give me a ton of really great experience, and even though the BYU EMS is all volunteer work... when I'm not at BYU I could save up a little money as an EMT. Sounds like a pretty good idea to me, but I still haven't decided yet. It's a relatively large time commitment to take classes and training to get certified as an EMT.

I'm going to try to get some pictures up here sometime of recent activities soon.

À bientôt!


Deb said...

Great to read your words again! I think you should major in what interests you most.

Emmalyn said...

YEA!! She's not on the Y anymore!