Monday, January 19, 2009


This is me right when I woke up this morning. Okay not RIGHT when I woke up but pretty close. I was soooo so tired. I didn't actually end up falling asleep last night until around 2am. This was taken at around 7:30 this morning. The reason I got up so early was because last night I got invited to go snowmobiling with one of my friends. I almost didn't go because I was just so tired... but then I decided that I would probably have a lot of fun... even if I was dead tired the whole time.

Well, the car ride up to my friend's buddy's cabin took around an hour I think. I wasn't really paying too close of attention to the clock. Those kids are a lot of fun to just hang out and semi-road trip with. Bwahahaha.

We finally got to the cabin neighborhood entrance thingy which was gated... we had to wait for the kid to come down and let us in. We parked in a little parking lot that was covered in snow because we had to snowmobile the rest of the way up to the cabin. There were 7 snowmobiles... 6 of which seated 2 people. I think every snowmobile was full.

I took these pictures before we snowmobiled up to the dude's cabin.

The guy in those pictures is my friend Craig Whitaker. He was an Elder in our ward in Liverpool about a year and a half ago. Something like that.

I actually rode behind Whitaker's friend Josh on the way up to the cabin. I wish I had gotten more pictures of the people who were there. Someone took a group picture and I'll try to get my hands on it... but I'm not sure what the girl's name was. I guess I'll have to ask Whitaker about it.

Since I forgot to bring my coat or anything resembling snow pants, boots, or gloves, I ended up borrowing all of the above from the guy whose family owned the cabin and snowmobiles. Oh and I borrowed that hat from another kid in the group named Cameron.

I got to drive the snowmobile from the cabin to the "sledding" spot. Here is a picture of the view from the top (well actually probably like... 1/5 of the way up) of the hill.

At the bottom you can kind of see the road that we took to get there... it's covered in snow. Just past the road is the top of another much steeper hill that was covered in untouched snow and sloped down into some scraggly Utah Valley trees.

I was the second person to go down (behind Craig) and I caught SO much air when I went over the "cliff" after the road. Apparently I was going super fast and everyone thought that I was going to die and kill Craig/Whitaker in the process. After I rolled off the sled it kept going until it ran into the trees some 15-or-so yards down. It took me forever to go all the way down and back up with the sled because of how deep and unpacked the snow was.

I had a little cut on my finger that was dripping blood by the time I got up to the top because my heart was beating so strongly. I took a picture of it but it wasn't a very good picture so I won't put it up. Here's one of someone else hitting the jump though.

That's a view from the road. I kept going pretty far after that jump. Hahaha. It was SO much fun. I hadn't been sledding in over a year. Very much worth the soreness. :)

After we got done sledding we snowmobiled up to a field that was sort of in the shape of a racetrack. I got to drive the snowmobiles a lot and I even raced against a few guys. We got up to like 70 miles an hour a couple times. So much fun!!!

I didn't end up getting back to Provo until around 4pm. And by the time we were done I was EXHAUSTED. I'm also a little bit sunburned on my face. Also worth it!

Tomorrow school starts back up again. But today was a good day.


Emmalyn said...

I'm glad you took some pictures!

Deb said...

Sounds like you had a great time. Thanks for posting about it. Yeah, and if you can get a hold of a group shot that would be fun to see too. :)

BobandLu said...

I think Sebastian would love to race you! I'll cheer you on and give you hot cocoa when you're done. :)

Sarah said...

Hahaha deal!!