Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Plugged In

I know I haven't written anything recently. I've been incredibly busy with a lot of things. Some of which have not been as "best" as others. Haha. Although I am trying to do better with spending more time studying and less time being social. What can I say? I usually like people.

I say usually because sometimes I can be very anti-social-seeming. The other day at Family Home Evening I was "plugged in" the whole time (as Emma called it--I had my headphones in, listening to music) because I was a little tired and irritable and didn't want to offend anyone by being short with them without having a "good" excuse. Being plugged in seems like a good excuse to me! When I'm plugged in I don't have to reply to anything anyone says in a group conversation because I don't hear what they say. Hahahaha.

Anyways, just writing to let everyone (whoever it is that actually reads this...) know that I do still exist! Just a little busy.


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