Thursday, September 11, 2008

Well, now...

I have been meaning to take my camera with me everywhere I go and take pictures but it's really difficult. I either forget or don't have time to upload the pictures, etc... etc.. etc..

I've been writing a lot for my honors university writing class, and I've been enjoying it a lot. Chemistry seems to be a repeat of my high school chemistry class, but I don't recognize all of the topics on the syllabus so it will be a good foundation for my other chem courses.

My religion professor is amazing. He's the funniest guy in the world. Reminds me a little of Brother Allred with how much he knows. Brother Allred should be a religion professor here! That would be the coolest.

I still haven't found time to meet up with Pres./Bro./Professor Sandberg. He teaches in the School of Family Life. I wonder what courses he teaches. I'd be interested in registering for one!! Haha.

Yesterday I went to class until 2pm and then was doing homework from that point on until Emma came over and asked if I wanted to go see a french movie at the international cinema called The Diving Bell and the Butterfly. The night before last we saw The Kite Runner (edited for BYU audiences apparantly, though I haven't seen the original) and it was really interesting. I love movies like that... well done and make you think. So I was like, "Heck yeah!" for the french movie. It was also very interesting.

Although, it was the very first movie EVER to make me feel motion sick. Hahaha. Yeah... but it was good though. I'm going to try and tack some pictures on at the end of this or maybe throughout since I've finally uploaded all of what I had on my camera onto my computer.

I better go finish doing some reading that is technically due today.



P.S. all of these pictures are from our walk last night after the movie. the last picture up there I used the night portrait and moved the camera to get light on my face. hahaha. the one next to my crazy light face took six tries before i was holding still enough for the picture to be MOSTLY not blurry. taking pictures when it's dark is hard!!


Deb said...

You and Emma look and sound like you are having way too much fun! I'm glad.

Sometimes I'd spend a solid 8 hours straight in International Cinema. I loved that place! Loved the foreign films anyway. Great memories.

You've been studying???!!! hh ha :)

Emmalyn said...

now I've got to put up all the pictures I have.... hmm

Rather than finishing my chem hw I'm reading through blogs...

Jennilyn said...

Ohhh, lucky! I don't think we have a night portrait option, but I like the effect. Provo Academy was the scene where I got hurt at night (goofing off) and had to get a cast on my ankle. It is much nicer now, and not haunted/empty like it used to be. Glad you two are buddies and not distantly related...but heart-related!

Fine Art by Jennifer said...

Awesome pictures! They make good memories!!