Monday, September 7, 2009

Turkish Saddles and Lots of Foramena

I know it's been a while since I've written anything. I've been pretty busy with classes and getting settled.

I've really enjoyed my first week of classes. I met a lot of new people who I really get along with. All of my roommates are very cool intelligent girls. I'm glad that we all relate well enough to be able to compromise and discuss things without upsetting anyone.

I have a lot of work ahead of me. I learned in my anatomy lab on Saturday that we will be learning around 1000 terms by the end of the semester. And we have to remember all of them... That will be a challenge in itself. It's almost like learning a whole new language.

My physics class is very interesting. I've always enjoyed learning about physics. (Well, for as long as I've been learning it... I didn't take any physics classes in high school...) I also really love all of the professors for physics. They're all nerds and really socially awkward, but that makes classes so much more interesting and fun. :D

Right now I'm in the library doing reading for Chemistry and my Medical Lab class. But I decided to take a break just to give y'all an update. So here it is!

Wish me luck and pray for me in my educational endeavors. I'm going to need it.

Love you all!


Deb said...

Thanks for the update. You are always in our prayers. And you are good with languages, so I'm sure you will do very well. We love you!

Fine Art by Jennifer said...

Sounds good and interesting!